
3 Main Reasons Why Hiring A DUI Lawyer Is A Prudent Decision


If you or someone you care about has been charged with DUI, the criminal laws governing DUI take little consideration of how your DUI charge may affect other aspects of your life. Although DUI charges are typically misdemeanors, the penalties associated with DUI convictions can include significant fines and even jail time. DUI convictions can also result in loss of income, loss of housing, termination of your job, and much more.

12 October 2021

Persuasive Reasons To Retain The Services Of A Car Accident Lawyer After A Collision


Getting involved in an auto accident can be a jarring experience. Not only are you worried about the extent of damage to your vehicle, but you may also have sustained injuries that would require additional medical attention. Understandably, while you are in shock, you may not be thinking about hiring the services of an accident lawyer, but you must consider hiring this professional. One mistake that some motorists make is thinking it will be easier to simply file an insurance claim or negotiate with the other party; however, this does not guarantee a resolution that would be made in your favor.

24 August 2021

Being Prepared Is Critical To Defend Your Nursing License


As a nurse, your work is more than a job; you are responsible for the safety and wellbeing of the patients that you care for. For this reason, state boards take complaints against nurses very seriously, and as such, if you are facing a revocation of your license, you must be prepared to defend and protect your career. Share Selectively Once you learn you are under investigation or review for possible license revocation or suspension be mindful of everything you do, especially talking with your colleagues.

20 July 2021

Why Does Probate Law Apply to Every Estate?


When people talk about probate, they often think of the specific scenario where someone goes to court over the disposition of an estate. However, probate law applies to the entirety of the estate process. You may wonder why that is. Let's look at why American law brings the probate court into the equation. Verifying the Process The most basic reason you need to take an estate through the probate system is to confirm that the process is going smoothly.

17 June 2021

What You Need To Know About Estate Planning Attorneys


Estate planning is not something to joke around with. One missing signature or wrong placement of a word changes the entire meaning of a trust or will. Also, you want to leave everything in order before your passing. For this reason, you should engage an estate planning attorney to help you with the legal paperwork and ensure your wishes come true. Read on to learn more about estate planning attorneys.

25 March 2021

Why Your Juvenile Child Needs A Lawyer


When you have a child who is facing a legal issue, your first thought is how you can help your child through their situation. There are lawyers who study juvenile criminal defense law so they can assist people in situations like yours: families who have young children, not quite adults, facing legal problems. While juveniles don't face the same consequences for their actions as adults do in most circumstances, it's still wise to consider legal counsel when you are facing a juvenile criminal law situation.

25 November 2020

Working With A Personal Injury Lawyer After Being Injured


Accidents happen, but if you are injured because of the negligence of a company or person, you may have reason to sue for damages or medical costs. Having a good personal injury lawyer helps you determine if there is a case and how to proceed. Injury Versus Accident Many times people are injured in a way that is entirely accidental, where there is no real cause to the accident. An accident that is not caused by someone doing something negligent is just that — an accident.

7 July 2020

Can You File For Custody Of Your Grandchild?


Sometimes grandparents end up providing more care for a child than that child's actual parents. When this occurs, those grandparents often want to seek legal custody of that grandchild. However, doing so is not as simple as you might think. Here are the basics that you need to know as a grandparent who wants custody of their grandchild. 1. The court prefers not to take custody away from birth parents.

19 November 2019

4 Tips For Filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy


Being unable to pay your bills can create a great deal of financial stress for you. It's in your best interest to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy if this is the case. This is a legal status that will pay many of your debts for you. However, some debts may not be discharged, such as student loans and taxes. It's ideal to know the top steps to assist you in filing for this bankruptcy type.

8 October 2019

3 Reasons PTSD Is Common After An Accident With A Big Truck


PTSD, or post-traumatic stress disorder, is a common problem for people after they have been in an automobile accident. After an accident involving a big semi truck, the risks of developing PTSD could be even bigger. PTSD is a serious problem that can hinder your ability to feel comfortable on the highway as a driver. If you have to file an auto accident claim by working with a truck accident attorney, your PTSD could be a major form of damage considered in your case.

29 May 2019