Can You File For Custody Of Your Grandchild?


Sometimes grandparents end up providing more care for a child than that child's actual parents. When this occurs, those grandparents often want to seek legal custody of that grandchild. However, doing so is not as simple as you might think. Here are the basics that you need to know as a grandparent who wants custody of their grandchild. 1. The court prefers not to take custody away from birth parents.

19 November 2019

4 Tips For Filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy


Being unable to pay your bills can create a great deal of financial stress for you. It's in your best interest to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy if this is the case. This is a legal status that will pay many of your debts for you. However, some debts may not be discharged, such as student loans and taxes. It's ideal to know the top steps to assist you in filing for this bankruptcy type.

8 October 2019

3 Reasons PTSD Is Common After An Accident With A Big Truck


PTSD, or post-traumatic stress disorder, is a common problem for people after they have been in an automobile accident. After an accident involving a big semi truck, the risks of developing PTSD could be even bigger. PTSD is a serious problem that can hinder your ability to feel comfortable on the highway as a driver. If you have to file an auto accident claim by working with a truck accident attorney, your PTSD could be a major form of damage considered in your case.

29 May 2019

Why Hire A Divorce Lawyer?


If you are in the beginning stages of a divorce, then it may have crossed your mind that you can save money and go through the divorce proceedings on your own. However, this is not a good idea for many reasons. You can get a better understanding of some of the many reasons a divorce attorney is your best bet by reading this. You won't be bullied There can be so many strong and negative feelings tossed around when you start divorce proceedings.

29 March 2019

Has Your Teen Been Arrested? 4 Steps You Need To Take To Help Them Through The Process


If your teen has been arrested, you need to take quick action. Dealing with the arrest of a child can be stressful and frightening. However, it's important that you take the right steps to help your teen. Here are four steps you need to take if your teen has been arrested: 1. Get Your Teen Released If your teen has been taken into police custody, it's important that you get them released as quickly as possible.

30 January 2019